
Axis- plus Content-based Control for Camera Drones: Design and Evaluation of UI Concepts


Active Eye Tracking for Position and Movement Independent Gaze Interaction with Public Displays

Spread EyeScout


Refining touch-to-track Interaction for Camera Motion Control on Mobile Devices

Paper TrackLine

Moves and Motion

You've Got the Moves, We've Got the Motion: Designing for Cinematic Camera Motion Control

Moves and Motion Spread

Progressive Reduction

On the Effects of Progressive Reduction as Adaptation Strategy for a Camera-based Cinematic UI

Authorship and Agency

Sense of Authorship and Agency in Computational Creativity Support

Towards an Evaluation Framework

Implicit Evaluation of Sense of Agency in a Creative Continuous Control Task

Poster CHI '17

TrackLine (Poster)

Refining touch-to-track Interaction for Camera Motion Control on Mobile Devices

Poster CVMP '16

Human-Drone Interaction

A Case Study to Investigate the Relation between Autonomy and User Experience

Delegation Impossible?

Towards Novel User Interfaces for Camera Motion

Poster CHI '15