
Axis- plus Content-based Control for Camera Drones: Design and Evaluation of UI Concepts


Active Eye Tracking for Position and Movement Independent Gaze Interaction with Public Displays

Spread EyeScout


Refining touch-to-track Interaction for Camera Motion Control on Mobile Devices

Paper TrackLine

Moves and Motion

You've Got the Moves, We've Got the Motion: Designing for Cinematic Camera Motion Control

Moves and Motion Spread

Progressive Reduction

On the Effects of Progressive Reduction as Adaptation Strategy for a Camera-based Cinematic UI

Authorship and Agency

Sense of Authorship and Agency in Computational Creativity Support

Towards an Evaluation Framework

Implicit Evaluation of Sense of Agency in a Creative Continuous Control Task

Poster CHI '17

TrackLine (Poster)

Refining touch-to-track Interaction for Camera Motion Control on Mobile Devices

Poster CVMP '16

Human-Drone Interaction

A Case Study to Investigate the Relation between Autonomy and User Experience

Delegation Impossible?

Towards Novel User Interfaces for Camera Motion

Poster CHI '15

Catastrophe Management on Curve

Designing for Expert Users: On a Large Non-standard Display

Poster ITS '13